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  • Lower Back Pain Prevention Scorecard

    Long-Term Solution
    Master your
    ​Lower Back Pain, 
    ​And golf with confidence.

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If you are a golfer with persistent/recurrent lower back pain or sciatica, shouldn’t you be looking for a Long-Term Solution?  

You may have suffered for years.  You may have spent thousands of pounds trying to "fix your lower back".  You may have found a number of "treatments" that provide you with relief. 

But these treatments are short-term fixes.  So your pain keeps coming back…

Why?  Because The Cliff of PainTM  challenge has 2 stages.  You have focused on relief (the first stage), but by regaining the cliff-top, you are still on the edge of another fall - back into the Sea of Suffering.  Or maybe you’ve been stuck in The Sea of Suffering for months/years already.

To achieve a Long-Term Solution (the second stage), you have to PUSH yourself right back from the edge. 

Our research - gained over 30+ years with thousands of sufferers - shows that a Long-Term Solution necessitates that you do 4 things (which are independent of your diagnosis).

You have to PUSH



This is not an easy process.  If it really matters to you, you have to put it right up near the top of your priorities.

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There are so many myths and misunderstandings.  To truly master your pain, you must understand it first.

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You must break some habits and create new ones.  For this, you must have systems.

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Hang in there

As your pain lessens, so will your motivation.  But you have to hang in there to maintain those habits.

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